javascript - PHP SQL / Ajax retrievement issues -

i have web application data mysql database , put in website of handlebars templating.

first of all, php use looks this:

<?php  function isxhr() {     return isset( $_server['http_x_requested_with'] ); }   function connect(){     global $pdo;     $pdo = new pdo("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=personal", "user", "password"); }  function get_blog_posts( ) {     global $pdo;      $stmt = $pdo->prepare('         select url, title, location, date, author, content, thmb          photolog         limit 50');     $stmt->execute();      return $stmt->fetchall( pdo::fetch_obj ); } 

then use javascript function call inside document.ready(...) looks like:

function loadblogposts(){     var photos = {     init: function( config ) {         this.config = config;          this.setuptemplates();         this.fetchphotos();         this.helpers();          $.ajaxsetup({             url: 'index.php',             type: 'post'         });      },      setuptemplates: function() {         this.config.photolisttemplate = handlebars.compile( this.config.photolisttemplate);     },      helpers: function(){         handlebars.registerhelper("foreach",function(arr,options) {         if(options.inverse && !arr.length)             return options.inverse(this);          return,index) {             item.$index = index;             item.$first = index === 0;             item.$last  = index === arr.length-1;             item.$rest  = index >= 1;             return options.fn(item);         }).join('');     });     },      fetchphotos: function() {         var self = photos;          $.ajax({             datatype: 'json',             success: function(results) {                 self.config.photoslist.empty();                  for(i=0;i<results.length;i++){                     results[i].author = results[i].author.tolowercase();                     results[i].title = results[i].title.touppercase();                     results[i].location = results[i].location.touppercase();                 }                 if ( results[0] ) {                     self.config.photoslist.append( self.config.photolisttemplate( results.reverse() ) );                 } else {                     self.config.photoslist.append('<li>nothing returned.</li>');                 }             }         });      } };  photos.init({     photolisttemplate: $('#photo_blog_template').html(),     photoslist: $('div#blog_list') }); } 

and put data template:

<div id="blog_list">                 <script id="photo_blog_template" type="text/x-handlebars-template">                     {{#foreach this}}                     {{#if $first}}                         <div class="4u">                             <div class="photo">                                     <a id="single_image" href="{{url}}"><img src="{{thmb}}" alt=""/></a>                             </div>                         </div>                          <div class="8u post">                             <header>                                 <h2>{{title}}</h2>                                 <h3>{{location}}</h3>                                 <div class="antet">                                     <div class="author">{{author}}</div>                                     <div class="date">{{date}}</div>                                 </div>                             </header>                             <p>{{content}}</p>                         </div>                      {{/if}}                     {{#if $rest}}                         <div class="3u post-small">                             <div class="photo">                                     <a id="single_image" href="{{url}}"><img src="{{thmb}}" alt=""/></a>                             </div>                             <header>                                 <h2>{{title}}</h2>                                 <h3>{{location}}</h3>                                 <div class="antet">                                 <div class="author-small">{{author}}</div>                                 <div class="date-small">{{date}}</div>                             </div>                             </header>                             <p>{{content}}</p>                         </div>                               {{/if}}                     {{/foreach}}                 </script>         </div> 

the problem appears on new android browsers, , after close application/page , open ctrl+shift+t. doesn't show page, shows json file. page @


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