rubygems - Puppet - Bundler does not install a gem from GitHub -

i have virtual machine want run rails application. use vagrant run , puppet provision tool.

i want run bundle install during provision vm ready. use this:

exec { 'bundle install':   command => 'bundle install',   cwd => '/vagrant/',   logoutput => true, } 

all gems 1 installed. problem ember-rails, 1 github repo specified in gemfile:

gem 'ember-rails', github: 'emberjs/ember-rails' 

i think must puppet issue. when ssh vm , run bundle install manually, gem downloaded , used. when running provision via vagrant, puppet logs message, gem seems missing:

/stage[main]/bundler/exec[bundle install]/returns: using ember-rails (0.9.2) git:// (at master) 

i have noticed 1 difference. when run bundle install manually, bundler logs this:

fetching git:// 

however, there no such message in puppet log. ideas might problem?

gems installed git repos visible bundler , not appear in gem list. normal , not indicate problem. there problem running app?


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