php - Fatal error: Can't use function return value in write context in.. when i'm trying to display my errors in register.. using array display -

i have php code here:

    if(empty($_post) === false) {     $required_fields = array('username','password','confirm_password','first_name','email');         foreach($_post $key=>$value)         {             if(empty($value) && in_array($key, $required_fields) === true)             {                 $errors() = 'fields marked asterisk required';                 break 1;             }         } }  print_r($errors); 

what i'm trying display arrays can figure out where's error.. browser said fatal error: can't use function return value in write context in.. , marks fatal error in statement. $errors() = 'fields marked asterisk required';

help me please.. anyway registration-form.php :)

change bracket square ones:

$errors[] = 'fields marked asterisk required'; 


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