c# - How to return a Task<T> in an async method -

i have method in windows phone 8 app data url

   public async static task<byte[]> getdata(string url)     {     httpclient client = null;     httpresponsemessage response = null;     stream stream = null;     byte[] databytes = null;     bool error = false;      try     {         uri uri = new uri(url);          client = new httpclient();         response = await client.getasync(uri);         response.ensuresuccessstatuscode();          stream = await response.content.readasstreamasync();         databytes = getdatabytes(stream);           if (databytes == null)         {             error = true;         }         else if (databytes.length == 0)         {             error = true;         }     }     catch (httprequestexception )     {     }      if (error)     {         return getdata(url); // issue     }      return databytes;     } 

but since method async one, return type cannot task, have done on line return getdata(url); since getdata(string) returns task. ideas on how can rewrite make work?

awaiting result of getdata may trick. still, recommand rewrite method loop, rather recursively call method again. makes hard read, , may lead unforeseen issues.

public async static task<byte[]> getdata(string url) {     bool success = false;      byte[] databytes = null;      while (!success)     {                        try         {             uri uri = new uri(url);              var client = new httpclient();             var response = await client.getasync(uri);             response.ensuresuccessstatuscode();              var stream = await response.content.readasstreamasync();             databytes = getdatabytes(stream);               success = databytes != null && databytes.length > 0;         }         catch (httprequestexception)         {         }     }      return databytes; } 


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