tomcat - ClassNotFoundException , but class is available in maven dependency -

i stuck @ major situation. have class in maven dependancy , can referenced within class on running server displays classnotfoundexception.

thanks in advance



  • eclipse juno.
  • maven m2e plugin
  • tomcat 7

i created maven project in eclipse , converted dynamic web project in facet changes - , added following in pom.xml , gave mvn eclipse:eclipse -dwtpversion=2.0

 <dependency>             <groupid>com.sun.jersey</groupid>             <artifactid>jersey-server</artifactid>             <version>1.8</version>         </dependency> 

this has downloaded available jars containing class com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.servletcontainer

but on running server - java.lang.classnotfoundexception: com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.servletcontainer

first suggest use latest version of eclipse (now 4.3 kepler) has m2e plugin built in , has much better support maven. you're no longer have add maven dependency project classpath manually.

try creating new maven project within eclipse, choose maven-archetype-webapp archetype. eclipse set including classpath maven depdencies.

whenever modify pom.xml, make sure classpath updated, though of cases done automatically m2e plugin. @ markers tab @ lower part of eclipse see if have such problems, if see "maven problem, project configurations not date", right click on project , choose maven->update projects.


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