csv - Seperate values with commas on one line from a variable BASH -

i have bash script stores values in variable , outputs each value on separate line this:

2288 87 183 30 16 

i need values in format on 1 line can export csv:

2288, 87, 183, 30, 16 

i have looked @ examples online of using sed or awk couldn't find example similar mine

any appreciated

paste friend:

$ paste -s -d',' file 2288,87,183,30,16 

you can use tr or awk, trailing comma:

$ awk '{printf $0","}' file 2288,87,183,30,16,  $ tr -s '\n' ',' <file 2288,87,183,30,16, 


its not file variable have doesn't appear work in same way?

kind of:

$ myvar="2288 87 183 30" $ echo "$myvar" | paste -s -d',' 2288,87,183,30 $ echo "$myvar" | tr -s '\n' ', '  2288,87,183,30, $ echo "$myvar" | awk '{printf $0","}' 2288,87,183,30, 


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