Send "carrierwave" gem attachments via email Ruby on Rails -

i using carrierwave gem + mercury editor , want allow users create mail campaigns , send them. works well, have problems inline images.

in image_uploader.rb have

def store_dir   "#{uploads/#{model.class.to_s.underscore}/#{mounted_as}/#{}" end 

i have newsletters.contents column, , includes preformatted html mercury including images.

so in email .eml file have path <img src="uploads/..."> instead of <img src="http://uploads/..."> if change path #{rails.root}/uploads/#{model.class.to_s.underscore}/#{mounted_as}/#{} uploading not working @ all.

is there way fix this?

i solved adding gsub in mercury_update controller action

def mercury_update     newsletter = newsletter.find(params[:id])     newsletter.title = params[:content][:newsletter_title][:value]     newsletter.content = params[:content][:newsletter_content][:value]     newsletter.update_attributes(content: newsletter.content.sub!('<img src="/uploads/', '<img src="'))!     render text: "" end 

but feel ugly solution


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