java - How to create RCP project without a workspace and other Eclipse default features? -

how create rcp project without workspace , other eclipse default features?

each time create eclipse rcp project, runs in separate workspace, shows package explorer @ left, allows create projects , on.

is possible create standalone applications xmind, open files of types , contain views of types?


for example, there zest sample inside eclipse help. intended run under eclipse, contains main:

/*******************************************************************************   * copyright 2005-2007, chisel group, university of victoria, victoria, bc,   * canada. rights reserved. program , accompanying materials   * made available under terms of eclipse public license v1.0   * accompanies distribution, , available @   *   *    * contributors: chisel group, university of victoria   ******************************************************************************/  package org.eclipse.zest.examples.swt;   import org.eclipse.zest.core.widgets.graph;  import org.eclipse.zest.core.widgets.graphconnection;  import org.eclipse.zest.core.widgets.graphnode;  import org.eclipse.zest.layouts.layoutstyles;  import org.eclipse.zest.layouts.algorithms.springlayoutalgorithm;  import org.eclipse.swt.swt;  import org.eclipse.swt.layout.filllayout;  import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.display;  import;   /**   * snippet creates simple graph rock connected paper   * connected scissors connected rock.   *    * nodes layed out using springlayout algorithm, , can moved   * around.   *    *    * @author ian bull   *    */  public class graphsnippet1 {     /**      * @param args      */     public static void main(string[] args) {         // create shell         display d = new display();         shell shell = new shell(d);         shell.settext("graphsnippet1");         shell.setlayout(new filllayout());         shell.setsize(400, 400);          graph g = new graph(shell, swt.none);         graphnode n = new graphnode(g, swt.none, "paper");         graphnode n2 = new graphnode(g, swt.none, "rock");         graphnode n3 = new graphnode(g, swt.none, "scissors");         new graphconnection(g, swt.none, n, n2);         new graphconnection(g, swt.none, n2, n3);         new graphconnection(g, swt.none, n3, n);         g.setlayoutalgorithm(new springlayoutalgorithm(layoutstyles.no_layout_node_resizing), true);;         while (!shell.isdisposed()) {             while (!d.readanddispatch()) {                 d.sleep();             }         }     }  } 

how compile this? if put java project, not have numerous eclipse libs. if create plugin project, see no place insert main method.

to absolute minimum rcp code file / new project , select plug-in project. on second step of wizard deselect this plug-in make contributions ui , select yes would create 3.x rich client application. final step of wizard have headless hello rcp creates absolute minimum code rcp.

if leave this plug-in make contributions ui checked templates create rcps view etc. shown.

the above eclipse 3.x style rcps, eclipse 4 pure e4 rcps use eclipse 4 / eclipse 4 application project in new project wizard.


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