documentation generation - How to use valadoc? -

i writing library in vala.

i have come point generate documentation sources.

valadoc seems right tool this, there not information on how use it, manpage short.

i tried run valadoc -o doc src/*.{vala,vapi} gives me these error messages:

unixodbc.vala:21.7-21.9: error: namespace name `gee' not found unixodbc.vala:40.9-40.27: error: type name `map' not found unixodbc.vala:42.30-42.48: error: type name `map' not found unixodbc.vala:40.9-40.27: error: type name `map' not found unixodbc.vala:40.9-40.27: error: type name `map' not found unixodbc.vala:40.9-40.27: error: type name `map' not found unixodbc.vala:80.63-80.81: error: type name `map' not found unixodbc.vala:98.9-98.25: error: type name `arraylist' not found unixodbc.vala:99.3-99.19: error: type name `arraylist' not found unixodbc.vala:110.4-110.22: error: type name `map' not found unixodbc.vala:178.9-178.24: error: type name `arraylist' not found unixodbc.vala:180.17-180.32: error: type name `arraylist' not found unixodbc.vala:187.10-187.25: error: type name `arraylist' not found failed: 13 error(s), 0 warning(s) 

as seems valadoc designed run on dependencies well?

how can work library?

you need pass --pkg gee-0.10 (or whatever version using), valac. see valadoc --help , man page list of options , descriptions. many of options you'll need same pass valac.


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