extjs - modal panel in sencha doesnt show up on click -

i want display modal info window clicking button in toolbar. dont know why, nothing happens when click button.

heres code:

xtype: 'toolbar',             docked: 'bottom',             items: [                 {                 xtype: 'button',                 text: 'infos anzeigen',                 handler: function(){                     var panel = new ext.panel({                         modal: true,                         left: 0,                         top: 0,                         width: 220,                         height: 356,                         layout: 'fit',                         html: 'testing'                     });                     panel.show();                     }                 }] 

you're looking ext.window:

var win = new ext.window({     modal: true,     left: 0,     top: 0,     width: 220,     height: 356,     layout: 'fit',     html: 'testing' }); win.show(); 


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