python - Twisted Matrix Callback call again and again -

i need when user click button, button fire callback , pass parameters, each time, parameters different.

i've looked @ documentation appear part looping missing:

looping  common form of dependency needing perform asynchronous operation on again. canonical example of http redirect: when callback deferred page request returned, result, or empty body location http header set, in case perform operation on again.  [ here http redirect example. should have pictures. ] 

the if working, try also, callback run once

 if happen this:   try:      print "i'm here!"      myobjectx.addcallback(test,x,y,z)        myobjectx.callback()    except:      ... 

just idea of how work:

1) create myobject  nothing  2) when event fired prepare callback myobject e execute  3) how can redo callback next time event happen again? 

i'm looking @ pymodbus library example of async client:

i've got 2 files:

mainprocess modbuslib 

from mainprocess call

myobjectx = modbuslib.protocol.clientcreator(reactor, modbusclientprotocol         ).connecttcp("localhost", defaults.port) 

then in function triggered if:

if ('gigiisclicked' in existkeys):        myobjectx.addcallback(beginasynchronoustest)       myobjectx.callback(beginasynchronoustest)       print "executed" 

and is, print repeated again , again when event occours callback no.

i think 1 misunderstanding here how instances of deferred meant used.

you should think of deferred having 2 different kinds of (albeit highly related) uses.

one use able publish event code knows how notice events have happened other code might interested know event has happened.

one example of use clientcreator.connecttcp: implementation of api knows when tcp connection attempt has succeeded (or failed) , uses deferred publish information other code. code using deferred code instantiates deferred (eg, d = deferred()) , later uses deferred.callback , deferred.errback.

the other use of deferred allow code interested in events has happened learn events have happened. example, application wants tcp connection in order exchange data - needs wait while 1 being set before can proceed. code using deferred code uses deferred.addcallback or deferred.adderrback (also, deferred.cancel in recent versions of twisted).

deferred.addcallback api use specify code run when deferred gets result.

deferred.callback api use supply result deferred. and, importantly, deferred can ever given 1 result. each deferred instance represents completion of single operation or occurrence of single event.

there exceptions , further subtleties rule of thumb if code didn't instantiate deferred code should not use callback (or errback) methods. calling 1 of job whatever code created deferred.

given that, hope it's clear use of deferred apis in code has problems need addressed:

myobjectx = modbuslib.protocol.clientcreator(reactor, modbusclientprotocol     ).connecttcp("localhost", defaults.port)  ...  if ('gigiisclicked' in existkeys):      myobjectx.addcallback(beginasynchronoustest)     myobjectx.callback(beginasynchronoustest)     print "executed" 

most directly, shouldn't calling myobjectx.callback here. that's clientcreator.connecttcp's job (on top of that, beginasynchronoustest doesn't make sense result deferred have).

instead, think want use methods of modbusclientprotocol instance clientcreator.connecttcp create you. in example linked to, notice beginasynchronoustest defined accept 1 argument named client.

since beginasynchronoustest passed addcallback method of deferred returned clientcreator.connecttcp means called instance of protocol clientcreator initialized (in case, modbusclientprotocol). beginasynchronoustest called deferred given result implementation of clientcreator - in other words, called connection established. setting tcp connection takes arbitrary amount of time since involves exchanging data arbitrary other computers on arbitrary network links - there's no telling how long resources take complete part of connection setup.

once beginasynchronoustest called have connection - represented modbusclientprotocol instance passed in it. point in program might able start doing multiple things (for example, doing each time button clicked).

at point deferred program started out (called myobjectx in snippets of code above) done , no longer useful or interesting won't using anymore.

instead, you'll calling methods of modbusclientprotocol (read_coils or write_coil or whatever else want do). each of these methods returns brand new deferred representing result of particular operation. you'll want use addcallback these in order learn results.

the other place people stumble figuring out how make these additional method calls. if you're adding code body of beginasynchronoustest it's straightforward how this:

reading = client.read_coils(1, 1) 

however, suspect won't want add button handling code body of beginasynchronoustest. instead, have event handler somewhere else in program gets called time button has been pressed. fortunately, it's not more complicated deal situation.

the key remember time have reference connection you'll able use it. inside body of beginasynchronoustest have reference - client parameter. can make reference available other parts of program too: setting attribute on object shared necessary parts of program 1 common, way this.

class buttonmodbussomething(object):     def __init__(self):         self.client = none      def connect(self):         creator = modbuslib.protocol.clientcreator(reactor, modbusclientprotocol)         connecting = creator.connecttcp("localhost", defaults.port)         connecting.addcallback(self._connected)         connecting.adderrback(log.err)      def _connected(self, client):         self.client = client      def buttonclicked(self, existkeys):         if self.client not none:             if "gigiisclicked" in existkeys:                 self.client.read_coil(1, 1) 

notice how client attribute of buttonmodbussomething starts off none , how buttonclicked needs check case. mentioned above, setting connection can take time , way know how long wait _connected called. check ensures if button clicked before connection exists event ignored (you may want handle more nicely - example, starting user interface in disabled state , switching on when connection set up).

also, i've left out code want handle connection being lost. when happens, client attribute no longer useful. still reference modbusclientprotocol connected, since protocol instance no longer has connection it's hard useful with. want re-disable user interface when connection lost or @ least start ignoring button presses again.

also, notice clientcreator comes twisted.internet.protocol not modbuslib.protocol.


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