python - How to use a library that imports memcache in App Engine -

i want use library (memorised) uses memcache this: import memcache

now on app engine, memcache must imported this: from google.appengine.api import memcache

so error when running importerror: no module named memcache

can use library without modifying it?

the short answer is: if can module work on local instance using, because google controls server environment, can use supported modules when upload code hosting services. see here.

the long answer that, in order import memcache, need memcache package installed. if want try use memcache module google provides instead, can change from google.appengine.api import memcache, google's memcache may have substantial , significant differences standard python memcache package memorised uses, , may throw errors or not work @ all. furthermore, if memorised work, won't able use on google's servers, not supported third-party library (see above).


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