javascript - Collecting data from webpage with VBA -

i informations excel sheet webpage:

my code this:

dim page1 msxml2.xmlhttp60 dim html mshtml.htmldocument dim mydiv object set page1 = new msxml2.xmlhttp60 set html = new mshtml.htmldocument "get", "", false page1.send  until page1.readystate = 4 , page1.status = 200     doevents loop html.body.innerhtml = page1.responsetext set mydiv = html.getelementbyid("fscon") debug.print mydiv.innertext 

i work in "fs" div in "fscon" div result of script "loading ..."

i know problem: when base page loading javascript fill "fscon" div. script sees base page (without data mathces)

my question how can wait until full page loading?


update: code working. uses ie object, test how fast scanning matches page.

dim ieapp internetexplorer dim iedoc object set ieapp = new internetexplorer ieapp.visible = false ieapp.navigate ""  while ieapp.busy: doevents: loop until ieapp.readystate = readystate_complete: doevents: loop  set iedoc = ieapp.document debug.print iedoc.all.item("fscon").innertext  set iedoc = nothing ieapp.quit set ieapp = nothing 


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