uisearchbar - iOS 7, scope bar becomes black in search mode -

i use uisearchdisplaycontroller embedded uitableviewcontroller make search bar in table view. if set search bar's background image, scope bar not show in search mode, showing black bar instead. it's weird because not happen in ios 6.

note image used set search bar's background image 640x90 px, somehow scope bar show if use other image.

even if set scope bar background image, sill not show depend on search bar's image setting.

i think it's bug in ios 7, , prevent other factors, use master-detail template in xcode 5, , embed uisearchdisplaycontroller in master view controller, change search bar background image , scope bar shows black in search mode.

i think has ios 7 auto resize of view controller. bothers me much.

someone please try , help. lot lot.

------------------------------edited-------------------------- scope bar show if change search bar background image, in real device (iphone5), scope bar never show.

i have found solution here: ios7 status bar change black after search active

just put these 2 lines on table view controller (viewdidload):

self.navigationcontroller.view.backgroundcolor = [uicolor whitecolor];   self.navigationcontroller.navigationbar.translucent = no; 

where "whitecolor" color need status bar.


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