android - Strange bug in listfragment -

i wanted study android sqlite created instant tagging application in user can tag photos , upload them network (google+, fb, twitter) problem have listfragment in user can see tagging made, image elements in list stored on hidden folder , words stored in sqlite db.. problem while scrolling or down items switch randomly plus though have more 8 items them 8 first items shown repeatedly (i.e 1-8 instead of 9-12 see 1-4 again) problem might in adapter after sessions on sessions of debug fail find problem code adapter -

public class flowadapter extends baseadapter {      private activity activity;     private arraylist<hashmap<string, list<string>>> data;     private static layoutinflater layoutinflater = null;      public flowadapter(activity activitycontext,             arraylist<hashmap<string, list<string>>> data) {         this.activity = activitycontext; = data;         this.layoutinflater = (layoutinflater) activity                 .getsystemservice(context.layout_inflater_service);     }      public int getcount() {         return data.size();     }      public object getitem(int position) {         return data.get(position);     }      public long getitemid(int position) {         return position;     }      @override     public view getview(int position, view convertview, viewgroup parent) {         // method variables         viewholder cacheview;         hashmap<string, list<string>> photos = null;         photos = data.get(position);         imageview iv;         flowlayout flow;          arraylist<string> subjects = new arraylist<string>();          if (convertview == null) {             cacheview = new viewholder();             convertview = layoutinflater.inflate(r.layout.list_item, null);             flow = (flowlayout) convertview.findviewbyid(;;              // add tags flowlayout             int size = photos.get(databasehandler.key_tags).size();             (int = 0; < size; i++) {                 string name = string.format("#%s",                         photos.get(databasehandler.key_tags).get(i));                 bubble.getbubble(name, flow, subjects, activity, photos                         .get(databasehandler.key_thumbnailpath).get(1), false);             }             cacheview.image = (imageview)convertview.findviewbyid(;//iv;             cacheview.tags = flow;             convertview.settag(cacheview);          }             cacheview = (viewholder) convertview.gettag();         cacheview.image.setimagebitmap(null);         decodetask task = new decodetask(cacheview.image);         task.execute(photos.get(databasehandler.key_thumbnailpath).get(1));         cacheview.image.settag(, task);          return convertview;     }      static class viewholder {         static flowlayout  tags;         static imageview image;          public static flowlayout getflowlayout() {             return tags;         }     } } 

the flow layout here - bubble layout here - use thread load images on background - large listview containing images in android help? =\ p.s know there apps [ , alot actually, best learning comes while writing code thats did =) ]

reason obvious !!! have static variables in viewholder:

instead of:

 static class viewholder {     static flowlayout  tags;     static imageview image;      public static flowlayout getflowlayout() {         return tags;     } } 

it must be:

 static class viewholder {      flowlayout  tags;      imageview image;      public flowlayout getflowlayout() {         return tags;     } } 

more on static variables available on internet, in short not instance variables changing value change every instance (although static variable should accessed using class reference).


you need cancel decodetask if convertview null tutorial says: large listview containing images in android

but keeping variables static simple mistake , easy detect can detect mistake in 2+2 = 5. saying removing static modifier seems broke means else wrong code.


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