i'm learning java , have question regarding reading file want read numbers file contains strings well. here example of file: 66.56 "3 java 3-43 5-42 2.1 1 and here coding: public class test { public static void main (string [] args){ if (0 < args.length) { file x = new file(args[0]); try{ scanner in = new scanner( new fileinputstream(x)); arraylist<double> test = new arraylist<>(); while(in.hasnext()){ if(in.hasnextdouble()){ double f=in.nextdouble(); test.add(f);} else {in.next();} } catch(ioexception e) { system.err.println("exception during reading: " + e); } } my problem add 66.56,2.1 , 1 doesn't add 3 after "3 or ignores 3-43 , 5-42 can tell me how skip strings , add doubles here? thanks all said 3 ie; "3, 3-43 , 4-42 strings either u read string , split , check number @ " , - or put in space between characters , integers. jvm after compilation tre...
i c background. started learning python few days ago. question end of string notation in python. having \0 in c. there in python. there isn't one. python strings store length of string independent string contents.
using following function can display years , months between 2 dates, how can add correct days each month array within each month? can't add days manually need account leap years etc. function yearmonth($start_date, $end_date) { $begin = new datetime( $start_date ); $end = new datetime( $end_date); $interval = new dateinterval('p1m'); // 1 month interval $period = new dateperiod($begin, $interval, $end); foreach ( $period $dt ) $years[$dt->format( "y" )][] = $dt->format( "f" ); return $years; } $list = yearmonth("2007-03-24", "2009-06-26"); var_dump($list); since nobody else answered: function yearmonth($start_date, $end_date) { $begin = new datetime( $start_date ); $end = new datetime( $end_date); $interval = new dateinterval('p1d'); // 1 month interval $period = new dateperiod($begin, $interval, $end); $lastmonth = null; $lastyear = null; $aresult = array(); forea...
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