File IO exhausting System Memory on a Windows 7 64bit system -

i writting software emule, work right on windows xp 32bit. however, users report me while downloading big files( large 2gb or more) on win7 64 bit, system memory exhatsted, avast!(anti-virus software) running together. use process monitor watch behavior of avast!, found that, avast continuesly read downloading files. (as software pre-allocate file space, download , write fix-sized file may virus)

this situation similar following articles describe, means filesystem cache exhaust physical memory.

i have tried methods, 1 use file_flag_no_buffering flag createfile api read , write, avoid using system file cache, , system file cache stop grow if avast! still scaning downloading files.

through resolved problem, still don't understand why avast! doesnot exhaust memory more while use no_buffering mode read , write file.


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