outlook vba - Extract AddressEntry object details for Exchange User -

is there way extract details in dialog box via vba?

details dialog box http://i.msdn.microsoft.com/dynimg/ic84336.gif

i need, content in e-mail address tab.

i have go function of reading address-book:

function get_mail(absender string) dim outapp outlook.application dim outti outlook.taskitem dim outrec outlook.recipient    set outapp = new outlook.application   set outti = outapp.createitem(3)   outti.assign    set outrec = outti.recipients.add(absender)   outrec.resolve     if outrec.resolved     on error goto exit_function         get_mail = outrec.addressentry.getexchangeuser.primarysmtpaddress    end if exit_function: exit function   set outapp = nothing   set outti = nothing end function 

as far know can read out primary mail-address mail-addresses-tab; see else there ist delete part ".primarysmtpaddress", mahe dot , should list of other properties.

i quite sure need reference on microsoft outlook 14.0 object library.

the input "absender" can string . if string can resolved address book-entry in outlook-mail, have positive result code above. call function, if example have string "mail_adress_from_adressbook" put:

mail_adress_from_adressbook = get_mail("joe smith") 

i hope helps, max


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