c# - How to Pass Telerik Grid column value to its ClientTemplate Function in MVC3 -

i have following code in view

@(html.telerik().grid<databasemodel.rmaitemmodel>()   .name("rmaitemsgrid")   .datakeys(keys => keys.add(u => u.rmaid).routekey("rmaid"))   .databinding(databinding => databinding.ajax().select("selectrmaitemlist", "order"))  .columns(columns =>     {       var ids = "";      columns.bound(o => o.rmaitemno).hidden(true);      columns.template(@<text>@{ids = item.rmaid.tostring();}</text>).hidden(true);      columns.bound(o => o.refundtype).title("refund type").clienttemplate(html.telerik().dropdownlist().name("refundtype<#= rmaitemno #>").bindto(commonservice.getlistitems(31, ids.tostring(), 0, "refund", false)).htmlattributes(new { style = "width:200px" }).tohtmlstring()).filterable(false).sortable(false);     } 

in clienttemplate of refundtype column call telerik dropdownlist in dropdown list call function commonservice.getlistitems(31, *ids.tostring() or <#=refundtype#> , 0, "refund", false)*

i want assign refundtype column value ids or need assign refundtype colunn value directly

commonservice.getlistitems(31, ids.tostring() or <#=refundtype#> , 0, "refund", false)

i cann't pass column value function

commonservice.getlistitems(31, ids.tostring(), 0, "refund", false)

i want pass column value instead of ids


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