xml - Dropdownlist folder files php -

please, need help, how can load folder files uploader before in directory, dropdownlist on php???

now have code, doesnt work...

<form action="" method="post">         <select name="seleccionarchivo">             <?php                 $dir = $_get["/repositorio"];                  $files = scandir($dir);                  // prepare select box echo                 echo "<select name=\"files\">";                  foreach ($files $file)                 {                 // return files                 if ( is_file($dir. $file) )                 echo "<option value=\"$file\">$file</option>";                 }                  echo "</select>";             ?>         </select>         <input type="submit" value="ir al examen">     </form> 

i try removing echo "" within php script. have select within other select. in code looking this:

<select name="seleccionarchivo">     <select name=\"files\"><option>...</option></select> </select> 

when should be:

<select name="selecctionarchivo">     <option value="file 1">file 1</option>...<option value="file n">file n</option> </select> 


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