bash - Compiling a program in a loop with qsub -

i want compile program in bash loop. when run program command line compile when use qsub doesn't compile.

is there missing?



bash file

  #!/bin/bash   #$ -n runtest   #$ -m e   #$ -r y    cd /afs/    thisdir="safecode"   t=2000    originalguiline="pres = 7.6e1"   oldguiline="$originalguiline"   guifile="guivars.f90"    (( = -3 ; <= 1 ; i=i+1 ))             p="7.6e$i"         newguiline="pres = $p"         sed -i "s/$oldguiline/$newguiline/g" "$guifile"         oldguiline="$newguiline"          make clean >& /dev/null         make 1d >& /dev/null         make 1d          ./pressurepic          cp "anode_ele_eng.csv" "../results/t_${t}_p_${p}_energies.csv"     done    sed -i "s/$oldguiline/$originalguiline/g" "$guifile" 


  cc=ifort   options = -warn noalign -autodouble   prng = luxury.f90   main = ndpic1d.v0.f90 guivars.f90 globalvars.f90 statisticaldistribution.f90 emission.f90   todo = particleincell.f90 montecarlocollision.f90 transformations.f90   exe = pressurepic    all:     @$(cc) $(prng) $(main) $(todo) -o $(exe) $(options)    1d:     @$(cc) $(prng) $(main) $(todo) -o $(exe) $(options)    2d:     @$(cc) $(prng) $(main) $(todo) -o $(exe) $(options)    clean:     @rm *.mod $(exe)    run:     @./$(exe)    info:     @echo $(exe) 

i'm not sure flavour of qsub using may not ...

try including

#$ -v 

at start of script. on systems process qsub ensures environment variables exported environment environment in script runs. these environments not, generally, same.


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