sprite kit - What would be the best approach for outlining or dropshadowing a font? -

i'm not finding support dropshadow or outline of font in sprite kit. dropshadow, i'm guessing create second sklabelnode , offset behind other.

is there way utilize skeffectnode outline or dropshadow ? possibly make sklabelnode child of skeffectnode ?

update :

i able decent dropshadow using second sklabelnode behind first, black , offset. still interested in other potential options, seems work well.

this doing, works , simple.

- (sklabelnode *) makedropshadowstring:(nsstring *) mystring {     int offsetx = 3;     int offsety = 3;      sklabelnode *completedstring = [sklabelnode labelnodewithfontnamed:@"arial"];     completedstring.fontsize = 30.0f;     completedstring.fontcolor = [skcolor yellowcolor];     completedstring.text = mystring;       sklabelnode *dropshadow = [sklabelnode labelnodewithfontnamed:@"arial"];     dropshadow.fontsize = 30.0f;     dropshadow.fontcolor = [skcolor blackcolor];     dropshadow.text = mystring;     dropshadow.zposition = completedstring.zposition - 1;     dropshadow.position = cgpointmake(dropshadow.position.x - offsetx, dropshadow.position.y - offsety);      [completedstring addchild:dropshadow];      return completedstring; } 

will try , make outline 1 well... have feeling it'll more tricky... there must way use bitmap fonts .. ??? bmglyph ...


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