json - How to write a JSONObject to a file, which has JSONArray inside it, in Java? -

i have json file, need read, edit , write out again.

reading works fine, struggle write part of json array in data.

i use json.simple library work json in java.

the file looks this:

{     "maxusers":100,     "maxtextlength":2000,     "maxfilesize":2000,     "services":     [         {             "servicename":"Яндекc",             "classname":"yandexconnector.class",             "isenabled":true         },          {             "servicename":"google",             "classname":"googleconnector.class",             "isenabled":false         }     ] } 

when try write json-data (variable obj) file, services array broken. writing code:

jsonobject obj = new jsonobject(); obj.put("maxusers", this.getmaxusers()); obj.put("maxtextlength", this.getmaxtextlength()); obj.put("maxfilesize", this.getmaxfilesize());   jsonarray servicesjson = new jsonarray(); arraylist<service> servicesarray = this.getservices(); for(int i=0; i< servicesarray.size(); i++) {     servicesjson.add(servicesarray.get(i)); } obj.put("services", servicesjson);   filewriter file = new filewriter(filename);                 obj.writejsonstring(file); file.flush(); file.close(); 

this outputs:

{     "services":     [         translator.settings.service@121c5df,         translator.settings.service@45f4ae     ],     "maxtextlength":2000,     "maxusers":100,     "maxfilesize":2000 } 

how can write json data correctly file, if have in jsonarray services ?

the code, read json data file (that works fine):

jsonparser parser = new jsonparser(); object obj = parser.parse(new filereader(filename)); jsonobject jsonobject = (jsonobject) obj;  setmaxusers((long) jsonobject.get("maxusers")); setmaxtextlength((long) jsonobject.get("maxtextlength")); setmaxfilesize((long) jsonobject.get("maxfilesize")); // list of services jsonarray serv = (jsonarray) jsonobject.get("services");  (int = 0; < serv.size(); i++) {     jsonobject service = (jsonobject) serv.get(i);     service servec = new service();     servec.setservicename((string) service.get("servicename"));     servec.setclassname((string) service.get("classname"));     servec.setisenabled((boolean) service.get("isenabled"));      services.add(i, servec); } 

the editing part not yet written, call writing part directly after reading.

have @ examples of json-simple.

it says here need put objects 1 one array, using primitive , string values. may use collections map contain string or primitive values.

  jsonarray list = new jsonarray();   list.add("foo");   list.add(new integer(100));   list.add(new double(1000.21));   list.add(new boolean(true));   list.add(null);   stringwriter out = new stringwriter();   list.writejsonstring(out); 

so, adding services not allowed , won't work. should add tomap method in convert map , frommap convert back.

like (in services.java):

 public map tomap() {      hashmap<string, string> serviceasmap = new hashmap<>();      servicesasmap.put("servicename", servicename);      servicesasmap.put("classname", this.class.getname() + ".class");      servicesasmap.put("isenabled", isenabled);      // ... continue values      return servicesasmap;  } 

then can use map populate jsonarray this:

        jsonarray servicesjson = new jsonarray();         arraylist<service> servicesarray = this.getservices();         for(int i=0; i< servicesarray.size(); i++)         {             servicesjson.add(servicesarray.get(i).tomap()); // use tomap method here.         }         obj.put("services", servicesjson); 


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