quartz trigger builder startnow not firing the trigger during the start -

i tring use quartz builder creating cron trigger , trying give startnow instruction. trigger not starting instead starting after completing given time interval. can me start trigger during starting server.i using plain quartz , no springs.

trigger trigger = newtrigger()         .withidentity(schedulerconstants.trigger_clarity,schedulerconstants.qi_group)         .withschedule(cronschedule("0 0/60 * * * ?").withmisfirehandlinginstructiondonothing())         .startnow()         .build(); 

there wont effect of calling startnow() on crontrigger triggers job based on cron expression supplied unlike time based simpletrigger.

your cron expression tells quartz run every 60 mins starting 0th minute of ever hour. unless start scheduler @ 0th min, willnot see startnow effect.

hope clear you.

refer quartz crontrigger tutorials/documentation more details.


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