mysql - Wikipedia dump files -

i imported dump file of persian wikipedia 2007 local mysql 5.6. seems user name in non-latin scripts not saved correctly. there way fix?

 select distinct rev_user_text revision rev_user_text  '%?%';  +-------------------------------+ | rev_user_text                 | +-------------------------------+ | 1?1?                          | | ?                             | | ? ?                           | | ? ? ?                         | | ? ????                        | | ?. ?????????                  | | ?.????                        | | ?.???????                     | | ?.????????                    | | ??                            | | ?? ??                         | | ?? ?? ??                      | | ?? ???                        | | ?? ??? ???                    | | ???                           | | ??? 110                       | | ??? ?                         | | ??? ???                       | | ??? ??? ( ?? ??? )            | | ??? ??? ????? ???             | | ??? ????                      | | ??? ???? ???                  | | ??? ???? ?????                | | ??? ???? ???????              | | ??? ?????                     | | ??? ????? ???                 | | ??? ????? ????                | | ??? ????? ??????              | | ??? ?????1984                 | | ??? ??????                    | | ??? ???????                   | | ??? ??????? ???               | | ??? ????????                  | | ??? ??????????                | | ???76                         | | ????                          | | ???? 32                       | | ???? ?                        | | ???? ??                       | | ???? ?? ? ?????               | | ???? ???                      | | ???? ??? ? ????? ????         | | ???? ??? ????                 | | ???? ??? ?????                | | ???? ??? ????? ?????          | | ???? ????                     | | ???? ???? ???                 | | ???? ???? ??? (??????)        | | ???? ???? ????                | | ????.???                      | | ????22                        | | ????4183                      | | ????777                       | | ????808                       | | ?????                         | | ????? - ???? ???              | | ????? 85 8                    | | ????? ?                       | | ????? ???                     | | ????? ??? ???                 | | ????? ??? ????                | | ????? ????                    | | ????? ???? (????? ????)       | | ????? ???? --????? ????       | | ????? ???? -????? ????        | | ????? ???? ???                | | ????? ???? ????               | | ????? ???? ??????             | | ????? ?????                   | | ????? ????? ????              | | ????? ????? ?????             | | ????? ????? ????????          | | ????? ??????                  | | ????? ?????? ???              |  ……. 

probably not using suitable character set, utf8. try recreate table using:

create table revisions (...) character set 'utf8'; 

or alter character set of existing table:

alter table revisions character set 'utf8'; 


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