visual studio 2012 - "Microsoft Test Manager cannot install test agent on these machines" when creating new Lab Center environment -

i'm trying create new environment in lab center , following error on verification step


text version:

verify machines accessible using user name , password provided. failed

jptest: microsoft test manager cannot install test agent on these machines. possible causes:

  • machines not running or not available on network.
  • the file , printer sharing exception not enabled on machines.

i've verified (many times) file , printer sharing exception enabled, , machine available on network. username , password provided correct.

curiously step worked before machine added domain (note machines name not jptest, name generated windows installation)

i'm using visual studio 2012 , machine in scvmm environment.

my biggest problem can't find more information other vague error message. how can diagnose problem?

the best way diagnose problem activate mtm logging.

there blogs describing activation via mtm.exe.config file (that located in c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 11.0\common7\ide visual studio 2012).
see 1 example: how enable logs mtm?
but did not work me reasons.

the way activate mtm logging via registry keys.
visual studio 2012 create file following content, rename has .reg extension , double click on in windows explorer:

windows registry editor version 5.00 [hkey_current_user\software\microsoft\visualstudio\11.0\enterprisetools\qualitytools\diagnostics] "enabletracing"=dword:00000001  "tracelevel"=dword:00000004 "logsdirectory"="c:\temp" 

or create these keys manually.

the enabletracing variable controls whether tracing on (1) or off (0).
tracelevel variable level (granularity) of tracing:

  • 1 means errors only
  • 2 errors , warnings
  • 3 errors, warnings , information
  • 4 including verbose information

logsdirectory optional. if not specified, %temp% used.
trace file name <process name>.eqttrace.log, e.g. mtm.eqttrace.log.

you should restart mtm after you've changed registry.
, not forget deactivate logging once solved problem (set enabletracing 0).


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