Returing string from main function in c++ -

is there way return string main function in c++? mentioning sample program below

string main(int argv, char* argc[]) {   .   .   return "sucess"; } 

the standard says:

3.6.1 main function [basic.start.main]

2/ implementation shall not predefine main function. function shall not overloaded. it shall have return type of type int, otherwise type implementation-defined. implementations shall allow both

  • a function of () returning int and
  • a function of (int, pointer pointer char) returning int

as type of main. [...]

so no, have return int.

from comments on post, seem want output string on standard output, can do:

#include <iostream> int main() {     std::cout << "success" << std::endl;     // no need return 0; implicit in c++ } 

as kerrek sb said in comments, return 0; implicit in c++ (standard § 3.6.1 /5):

[...] if control reaches end of main without encountering return statement, effect of executing

return 0; 


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