c# - iTextSharp aspx to pdf, Server.Execute error -

in asp.net have made webpage used fill in offer form. there 3 divs. left div has textboxes fill in. middlesector form itself. right div has buttons.

so far i've been able export midlesector pdf stuff filled in on left , all. problem neglects css, has been made using absolute positioning. therefore ask how include css style looks way it's supposed instead of 1 continuous text.

this code middlesector:

<div id="middlesector" runat="server"> <%--><asp:gridview id="gridview1" runat="server"></asp:gridview>--%> <asp:image id="textarea1" runat="server" imageurl="images\vissergroup.png"></asp:image> <label id="textarea2" runat="server" cols="20" name="s2"></label> <label id="textarea3" runat="server" cols="20" name="s3">visser international trade & engineering</label> <label id="textarea4" runat="server" cols="20" name="s4">t.a.v</label> <label id="textarea5" runat="server" cols="20" name="s5">postbus</label> <label id="textarea6" runat="server" name="s6"></label> <label id="textarea7" runat="server" cols="20" name="s7"></label> <label id="textarea8" runat="server" cols="20" name="s8"></label> <label id="textarea9" runat="server" name="s9"></label> <label id="textarea10" runat="server" cols="20" name="s10"></label> <label id="textarea11" runat="server" cols="20" name="s11"></label> <label id="textarea12" runat="server" cols="20" name="s12">-offerte-</label> <label id="textarea13" runat="server" name="s13">geachte</label> <label id="textarea14" runat="server" name="s14"></label> <label id="textarea15" runat="server" cols="20" name="s15">met referte aan het aangename onderhoud hebben wij het genoegen u bijgaand onze offerte te doen toekomen voor het leveren van:</label> <label id="textarea16" runat="server" cols="20" name="s16"></label> <label id="textarea17" runat="server" cols="20" name="s17">wij danken u voor deze aanvraag en hopen u hiermee een passend voorstel te hebben gedaan. voor het bespreken van verdere details en toelichting op de offerte zullen wij op korte termijn contact met u opnemen. indien u direct uw eventuele vragen aan ons wenst voor te leggen dan horen wij dit graag van u.</label> <label id="textarea18" runat="server" cols="20" name="s18">wij vertrouwen u hiermee voldoende van dienst te zijn en houden ons van harte aanbevolen voor uw gewaardeerde opdracht.</label> <label id="textarea19" runat="server" cols="20" name="s19">met vriendelijke groet,visser supplies b.v.</label> <label id="textarea20" runat="server" cols="20" name="s20">personal info</label> <label id="textarea21" runat="server" cols="20" name="s21">website          : www.vissersupplies.nl</label> <label id="textarea22" runat="server" cols="20" name="s22">e-mail           : personal info</label> <label id="textarea23" runat="server" cols="20" name="s23">telefoonnummer   : personal info 9894</label> <label id="textarea24" runat="server" cols="20" name="s24">copyright visser supplies b.v.:</label> <label id="textarea25" runat="server" cols="20" name="s25">deze offerte en alle andere informatie mogen alleen door geadresseerde gebruikt worden. overdracht aan derden, in welke vorm dan ook,  slechts toegestaan na schriftelijk toestemming van visser supplies b.v.</label> </div> 

here css:

#middlesector {         position:absolute; left: 150px; top: 60px;     } #textarea1 {         height: 250px;         width:  640px;         position: absolute; top:-40px;         border:none;         scrollbar-3dlight-color: #fff;         scrollbar-arrow-color: #fff;         scrollbar-base-color: #fff;     }     #textarea2 {        border-style: none;        border-color: inherit;        border-width: medium;        height: 105px;        width: 320px;        position:absolute; top:220px;        scrollbar-3dlight-color: #fff;        scrollbar-arrow-color: #fff;        scrollbar-base-color: #fff;    }     #textarea3 {        border-style: none;        border-color: inherit;        border-width: medium;        height: 30px;        width: 310px;        position:absolute; top:215px;        left: 410px;        scrollbar-3dlight-color: #fff;        scrollbar-arrow-color: #fff;        scrollbar-base-color: #fff;    }     #textarea4 {        border-style: none;        border-color: inherit;        border-width: medium;        height: 15px;        width: 310px;        position:absolute; top:250px;        left: 410px;        scrollbar-3dlight-color: #fff;        scrollbar-arrow-color: #fff;        scrollbar-base-color: #fff;    }     #textarea5 {        border-style: none;        border-color: inherit;        border-width: medium;        height: 15px;        width: 310px;        position:absolute; top:270px;        left: 410px;        scrollbar-3dlight-color: #fff;        scrollbar-arrow-color: #fff;        scrollbar-base-color: #fff;    }     #textarea6 {        border-style: none;        border-color: inherit;        border-width: medium;        height: 15px;        width: 100px;        position:absolute; top:290px;        left: 410px;        scrollbar-3dlight-color: #fff;        scrollbar-arrow-color: #fff;        scrollbar-base-color: #fff;    }     #textarea7 {        border-style: none;        border-color: inherit;        border-width: medium;        height: 15px;        width: 310px;        position:absolute; top:310px;        left: 410px;        scrollbar-3dlight-color: #fff;        scrollbar-arrow-color: #fff;        scrollbar-base-color: #fff;    }     #textarea8 {        border-style: none;        border-color: inherit;        border-width: medium;        height: 15px;        width: 210px;        position:absolute; top:290px;        left: 480px;        scrollbar-3dlight-color: #fff;        scrollbar-arrow-color: #fff;        scrollbar-base-color: #fff;    }     #textarea9 {        border-style: none;        border-color: inherit;        border-width: medium;        height: 15px;        width: 130px;        position:absolute; top: 360px;         left: 360px;        scrollbar-3dlight-color: #fff;        scrollbar-arrow-color: #fff;        scrollbar-base-color: #fff;    }    #textarea10 {        height: 15px;        width: 180px;        position:absolute; top:360px;        left: 450px;        border:none;        scrollbar-3dlight-color: #fff;        scrollbar-arrow-color: #fff;        scrollbar-base-color: #fff;    }     #textarea11 {        border-style: none;        border-color: inherit;        border-width: medium;        height: 15px;        width: 320px;        position:absolute; top:360px;        scrollbar-3dlight-color: #fff;        scrollbar-arrow-color: #fff;        scrollbar-base-color: #fff;        left: 0px;    }     #textarea12 {        border-style: none;        border-color: inherit;        border-width: medium;        font-size: large;        font-weight: bold;        height: 25px;        width: 120px;        position:absolute; top:400px;        scrollbar-3dlight-color: #fff;        scrollbar-arrow-color: #fff;        scrollbar-base-color: #fff;        left: 270px;    }     #textarea13 {        border-style: none;        border-color: inherit;        border-width: medium;        height: 15px;        width: 75px;        position:absolute; top:450px;        scrollbar-3dlight-color: #fff;        scrollbar-arrow-color: #fff;        scrollbar-base-color: #fff;        left: 0px;    }     #textarea14 {        border-style: none;        border-color: inherit;        border-width: medium;        height: 15px;        width: 200px;        position:absolute; top:450px;        scrollbar-3dlight-color: #fff;        scrollbar-arrow-color: #fff;        scrollbar-base-color: #fff;        left: 65px;        margin-left: auto;    }     #textarea15 {         height: 30px;         width:  640px;         text-align:start;         text-anchor:end;         position: absolute; top:480px;         border:hidden;         scrollbar-3dlight-color: #fff;         scrollbar-arrow-color: #fff;         scrollbar-base-color: #fff;         left: 0px;     }     #textarea16 {        border-style: none;        border-color: inherit;        border-width: medium;        font-size:large;        font-weight: bold;        height: 25px;        width: 250px;        position:absolute; top:540px;        scrollbar-3dlight-color: #fff;        scrollbar-arrow-color: #fff;        scrollbar-base-color: #fff;        left: 270px;    }     #textarea17 {         height: 75px;         width:  645px;         text-align:start;         text-anchor:end;         position: absolute; top:580px;         border:hidden;         scrollbar-3dlight-color: #fff;         scrollbar-arrow-color: #fff;         scrollbar-base-color: #fff;         left: 0px;    }     #textarea18 {         height: 30px;         width:  640px;         text-align:start;         text-anchor:end;         position: absolute; top:660px;         border:hidden;         scrollbar-3dlight-color: #fff;         scrollbar-arrow-color: #fff;         scrollbar-base-color: #fff;         left: 0px;     }     #textarea19 {        width: 240px;        position: absolute; top: 700px;        scrollbar-3dlight-color: #fff;        scrollbar-arrow-color: #fff;        scrollbar-base-color: #fff;        border:hidden;        left: 0px;    }     #textarea20 {        height: 15px;        width: 400px;        position: absolute; top: 760px;        scrollbar-3dlight-color: #fff;        scrollbar-arrow-color: #fff;        scrollbar-base-color: #fff;        border:hidden;        left: 0px;    }     #textarea21 {        height: 15px;        width: 400px;        position: absolute; top: 800px;        scrollbar-3dlight-color: #fff;        scrollbar-arrow-color: #fff;        scrollbar-base-color: #fff;        border:hidden;        left: 0px;    }     #textarea22 {        height: 15px;        width: 400px;        position: absolute; top: 820px;        scrollbar-3dlight-color: #fff;        scrollbar-arrow-color: #fff;        scrollbar-base-color: #fff;        border:hidden;        left: 0px;    }     #textarea23 {        height: 15px;        width: 400px;        position: absolute; top: 840px;        scrollbar-3dlight-color: #fff;        scrollbar-arrow-color: #fff;        scrollbar-base-color: #fff;        border:hidden;        left: 0px;    }     #textarea24 {        height: 10px;        width: 400px;        font-size:smaller;        position: absolute; top: 880px;        scrollbar-3dlight-color: #fff;        scrollbar-arrow-color: #fff;        scrollbar-base-color: #fff;        border:hidden;        left: 0px;    }     #textarea25 {        height: 40px;        width: 550px;        font-size: x-small;        position: absolute; top: 895px;        scrollbar-3dlight-color: #fff;        scrollbar-arrow-color: #fff;        scrollbar-base-color: #fff;        border:hidden;        left: 0px;    } 

and here code behind function: (edited: 10-10-2013: 14:22:gtm+1)

protected void saveaspdf(object sender, eventargs e)     {         system.web.ui.htmlcontrols.htmlgenericcontrol middlesector = new system.web.ui.htmlcontrols.htmlgenericcontrol("middlesector");          string strhtml = null;         //memorystream memstream = new memorystream();         stringwriter strwriter = new stringwriter();         server.execute("offerteform1.aspx", strwriter);         strhtml = strwriter.tostring();         strwriter.close();         strwriter.dispose();         itextsharp.text.image addlogo = default(itextsharp.text.image);         addlogo = itextsharp.text.image.getinstance(server.mappath("images") + "/vissersupplies.jpg");         itextsharp.text.document docworkingdocument = new itextsharp.text.document(pagesize.a4, 40, 40, 40, 40);         stringreader srddoctostring = null;         try         {             pdfwriter pdfwrite = default(pdfwriter);             var filecounter = 1;             while (file.exists("c:/users/milans/documents/pdfs/" + textarea11.innertext + " - " + filecounter + ".pdf"))             {                 filecounter++;             }             pdfwrite = pdfwriter.getinstance(docworkingdocument, new filestream("c:/users/milans/documents/pdfs/" + textarea11.innertext + " - " + filecounter + ".pdf", filemode.create));             srddoctostring = new stringreader(strhtml);             docworkingdocument.open();             addlogo.scalepercent(50);             addlogo.alignment = itextsharp.text.image.align_center;             docworkingdocument.add(addlogo);             xmlworkerhelper.getinstance().parsexhtml(pdfwrite, docworkingdocument, srddoctostring);         }         catch (exception ex)         {             response.write(ex.message);         }                 {             if ((docworkingdocument != null))             {                 docworkingdocument.close();                 docworkingdocument.dispose();             }             if ((srddoctostring != null))             {                 srddoctostring.close();                 srddoctostring.dispose();             }         }             //page.clientscript.registerclientscriptblock(this.gettype(), "myscript", "window.open('c:/users/milans/documents/pdfs/" + textarea11.innertext + ".pdf" + "','_blank','location=0,menubar=0,status=0,titlebar=0,toolbar=0');", true);     }      public override void verifyrenderinginserverform(control control)     {      } 

i error at: server.execute("middlesector", strwriter); , same error for: server.execute("offerteform1.aspx", strwriter);

it has permissions iusrs_machinename , aspnet users. don't know how add permissions since don't have manifest , somehow can't create one.

i've tried: server.htmldecode("middlesector", strwriter); and: server.htmldecode("offerteform1.aspx", strwriter);

it compile pdf has image. want xmlworker include filled in form in middlesector div.


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