xml - XSLT with LaTeX -

i doing project on exam paper generator

research: ul design, xml mark-up formatting, xslt transformation of xml documents, latex

description: project looks @ creating easy-to-use exam paper generator allows lecturers generate exam questions without worrying getting prescribed format right.

can explain me how system work? had researched on xsl transformation , xml , can't see how xslt link latex.

can open eyes on matter? in advance.

at purely mechanical level, xslt can generate text output. it's used generate xml or html, can useful mapping xml text well. lead xsl:output command:

<xsl:output method="text"/> 

recognize elements , draw values input xml using usual xslt techniques, , output latex using xsl:text command.

however @ higher level, system uses xslt produce latex take xml input, doing achieve goal of generating "exam questions without worrying getting prescribed format right" may misguided: users still have xml format right. perhaps mean further better user interface writing exam papers altogether? if so, xslt not essence of problem, really.

note tex , latex have balanced tradeoff between abstract simplicity , detailed control long time. better require more plan introduce xml or xslt.

finally, note latex serves goal respect tex itself. have considered leveraging existing latex work in area of exam production?

either of these might serve target of upstream work. users of these packages might worth querying understand how needs or not being met currently.


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