When sharing on Android, why do hashtags work with the browser, but not the Twitter app itself? -

i using similar method sharing on twitter like:

how tweet both url , hashtags

this allows users without twitter app open browser , share. however, have noticed hashtags passed message when being shared via browser. if user chooses official app, hash tag disappears. known bug?


try so:

sharevia("twitter", "example.com");   ....  private void sharevia(string packagename, string content) {         string toshare = content;      intent shareintent = new intent(android.content.intent.action_send);     shareintent.settype("text/plain");     shareintent.putextra(android.content.intent.extra_text, toshare);     packagemanager pm = mactivity.getpackagemanager();     list<resolveinfo> activitylist = pm.queryintentactivities(shareintent, 0);     (final resolveinfo app : activitylist) {         if ((app.activityinfo.packagename).contains(packagename)) {             final activityinfo activity = app.activityinfo;             final componentname name = new componentname(activity.applicationinfo.packagename, activity.name);             shareintent.addcategory(intent.category_launcher);             shareintent.setflags(intent.flag_activity_new_task |             intent.flag_activity_reset_task_if_needed);             shareintent.setcomponent(name);             mactivity.startactivity(shareintent);              break;        }     } } 


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