unix - Setting Up log for a bash script -

i have bash script want run daemon checks condition work , sleeps time , cycle repeats.

i demonize script : nohup myscript.sh & 

how can setup logging same script has same echo commands prints statements , how make sure have pid of script if want kill later.

can suggest how can achieve same

if @ i/o redirection chapter in advanced bash-scripting guide, see can redirect output file doing like, in top of script:

exec 2>&1 exec 1>>out.log  

the first line redirects stderr stdout, , second line appends stdout out.log. if this, can use echo write specific messages log-file, , output of commands, haven't silenced written log-file well.

bash has lot of special variables, can overview of these in special shell variables reference card. 1 of these $$, hold scripts pid. save this, can following:

echo $$ > ${0}.pid 

this create file name <file name of script>.pid, containing pid of script.


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