scala - How to use cookie and BASIC authentication together? -

i using combination of cookie , basic authentication. in basic authentication, takes function

option[userpass] => future[option[t]] 

and returns directive[t].

i wish create directive on cookie takes function

httpcookie => future[t] 

and returns directive[t].

hence can combined auth directive of cookieauth | basicauth.

the closest is:

def myfunction:httpcookie => future[string]  val cookieauth:directive[string] = cookie("mycookie").flatmap { cookie =>   onsuccess(myfunction(cookie)) } 

but signatures not match. exception:

type mismatch;   found   : spray.routing.directive[shapeless.::[string,shapeless.hnil]]   required: spray.routing.directive[string]          ^  

tl;dr make result of type directive1[string].

the initial problem in type mismatch. pure directive trait takes type parameter upper bound of hlist result type based on shapeless's hlist directive[string :: hnil].

in routing package object declared type alises directive[hnil] , directive[t :: hnil], directive0 , directive1[t], respectively.


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