laravel - After update from local to server : Class 'category' not found -

edit: changed lowercase 'c' uppercase 'c' in belongsto.... carelessness...

on local machine ok, error after upload server.

i have basic 1 one relationship:

symbol.php - model:

class symbol extends eloquent {      protected $table = 'symbols';     protected $softdelete = true;      public function category()   {     return $this->belongsto('category', 'id_category');   }    }   

category.php - model

class category extends eloquent {     protected $table = 'categories'; }    

i call relationship this:

$symbol = symbol::find($id); 

but if want access data:


on local machine ok after upload server error:

 symfony \ component \ debug \ exception \ fatalerrorexception  class 'category' not found   $instance = new $related; (line 527) 

any ideas?

but why works on local? different server settings?

if worked on local machine , not on server think, have windows operating system installed on local machine , on server, there linux driven system. so, on windows category , category doesn't matter on linux, does,so if have class category , refer category doesn't exist @ because linux case sensitive.

check this , @ case sensitivity.


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