Java shutdown function on jar unloading -

is there mechanism in java allow me imbue function or runnable something-or-other called if jar is unloaded?

note jvm will, in general, stay up. rules out runtime.addshutdownhook.

(it's required facilitate hot redeployment web server).

there's nothing in java se, far i'm aware.

but since mention "web server", might looking @ java ee solution. , there's servletcontextlistener. implement interface , configure implementing class in web.xml.

for pure java se solution, not bind library-loading class, instance instead. way can have tighter control on when loaded , unloaded.

you use finalize here, that's 1 of few cases appropriate. have drawback of being non-deterministic (i.e. can't depend on object being finalized when new version being loaded).


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