c# - Order List By Distinct And Object Property Larget value -

i need arrange list have distinct object items largest object x property. example: have list of objects:

 mylist :  object[0] : name: dani x:3;  object[1] : name:dani; x:1;  object[2]: name:joey; x:5;  object[3]: name:joey; x:1; 

i need find distinct objects largest x values new list 2 objects so:

 new list:  object[0] :name:dani;x:3  object[1] :name:joei;x:5 

how can find new list? lambda ex nice...

myobjects.groupby(o => o.name).select(g => g.orderbydescending(o => o.x).first()) 

seeing don't provide details of linq provider using, best general approach. can speed things in linq2objects using maxby extension method in morelinq : http://code.google.com/p/morelinq/

myobjects.groupby(o => o.name).select(g => g.maxby(o => o.x)) 


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