android - I have saved a drawing in a bitmap in my Database, how can I redraw it? -

in activity can make signature drawing , save in sqlite database "savetodatabase" button. when re-open activity want load drawing database, can't figure out how to! can help? decoded bitmap @ "adding signature database", need next?

here code:

public class werkbondetailsactivity extends activity{  public werkbon chosenworkorder; button mclear, mgetsign, savetodatabase; linearlayout mcontent; signature msignature; public static string tempdir; public int count = 1; public string current = null; private bitmap mbitmap; view mview; database db = new database(this); int chosenworkorderposition = 0; paint paintpiefill;  @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {     super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);     requestwindowfeature(window.feature_no_title);     setcontentview(r.layout.activity_werkbondetails);        tempdir = environment.getexternalstoragedirectory() + "/" + getresources().getstring(r.string.external_dir) + "/";     preparedirectory();     current = count + ".png";     mcontent = (linearlayout) findviewbyid(;     msignature = new signature(this, null);     msignature.setbackgroundcolor(color.white);     mcontent.addview(msignature, layoutparams.fill_parent, layoutparams.fill_parent);     mclear = (button)findviewbyid(;     mgetsign = (button)findviewbyid(;     savetodatabase = (button)findviewbyid(;     mview = mcontent;      bundle extras = getintent().getextras();      if (extras != null) {         chosenworkorderposition = (int)extras.getint("chosenworkorderposition");     }        chosenworkorder = db.getwerkbon(chosenworkorderposition + 1);       mclear.setonclicklistener(new onclicklistener()      {                  public void onclick(view v)          {             log.v("log_tag", "panel cleared");             msignature.clear();         }     });      mgetsign.setonclicklistener(new onclicklistener()      {                  public void onclick(view v)          {             log.v("log_tag", "panel saved");             mview.setdrawingcacheenabled(true);   ;         }     });      savetodatabase.setonclicklistener(new onclicklistener()      {                  public void onclick(view v)          {         mbitmap =  bitmap.createbitmap (mcontent.getwidth(), mcontent.getheight(), bitmap.config.rgb_565);;         canvas canvas = new canvas(mbitmap);         v.draw(canvas);         bytearrayoutputstream stream = new bytearrayoutputstream();         mbitmap.compress(bitmap.compressformat.png, 100, stream);          byte[] bitmapdata = stream.tobytearray();         chosenworkorder.sethandtekening(bitmapdata);          db.updatewerkbon(chosenworkorder);         }     });      //adding signature database     if(chosenworkorder.gethandtekening() != null){         bytearrayinputstream stream = new bytearrayinputstream(chosenworkorder.gethandtekening());         bitmap bm = bitmapfactory.decodestream(stream);     } }  @override public boolean oncreateoptionsmenu(menu menu) {     // inflate menu; adds items action bar if present.     getmenuinflater().inflate(, menu);     return true; }  private boolean preparedirectory()  {     try      {         if (makedirs())          {             return true;         } else {             return false;         }     } catch (exception e)      {         e.printstacktrace();         toast.maketext(this, "could not initiate file system.. sdcard mounted properly?", 1000).show();         return false;     } }  private boolean makedirs()  {     file tempdir = new file(tempdir);     if (!tempdir.exists())         tempdir.mkdirs();      if (tempdir.isdirectory())      {         file[] files = tempdir.listfiles();         (file file : files)          {             if (!file.delete())              {                 system.out.println("failed delete " + file);             }         }     }     return (tempdir.isdirectory()); }   public class signature extends view  {     private static final float stroke_width = 5f;     private static final float half_stroke_width = stroke_width / 2;     private paint paint = new paint();     private path path = new path();      private float lasttouchx;     private float lasttouchy;     private final rectf dirtyrect = new rectf();      public signature(context context, attributeset attrs)      {          super(context, attrs);          paint.setantialias(true);          paint.setcolor(;          paint.setstyle(;          paint.setstrokejoin(paint.join.round);          paint.setstrokewidth(stroke_width);     }      public void save(view v)      {         log.v("log_tag", "width: " + v.getwidth());         log.v("log_tag", "height: " + v.getheight());         if(mbitmap == null)         {             mbitmap =  bitmap.createbitmap (mcontent.getwidth(), mcontent.getheight(), bitmap.config.rgb_565);;         }         canvas canvas = new canvas(mbitmap);         string ftosave = tempdir + current;         file file = new file(ftosave);         try          {             fileoutputstream mfileoutstream = new fileoutputstream(file);             v.draw(canvas);              mbitmap.compress(bitmap.compressformat.png, 90, mfileoutstream);              mfileoutstream.flush();             mfileoutstream.close();             string url =, mbitmap, "title", null);             log.v("log_tag","url" + url);         }         catch(exception e)          {              log.v("log_tag", e.tostring());          }      }      public void clear()      {          path.reset();          invalidate();     }      @override     protected void ondraw(canvas canvas)      {          canvas.drawpath(path, paint);     }      @override     public boolean ontouchevent(motionevent event)      {          float eventx = event.getx();          float eventy = event.gety();           switch (event.getaction())           {            case motionevent.action_down:                  path.moveto(eventx, eventy);                  lasttouchx = eventx;                  lasttouchy = eventy;                  return true;             case motionevent.action_move:             case motionevent.action_up:                  resetdirtyrect(eventx, eventy);                  int historysize = event.gethistorysize();                  (int = 0; < historysize; i++)                   {                        float historicalx = event.gethistoricalx(i);                        float historicaly = event.gethistoricaly(i);                        expanddirtyrect(historicalx, historicaly);                        path.lineto(historicalx, historicaly);                  }                  path.lineto(eventx, eventy);                  break;             default:                  debug("ignored touch event: " + event.tostring());                  return false;          }           invalidate((int) (dirtyrect.left - half_stroke_width),              (int) ( - half_stroke_width),              (int) (dirtyrect.right + half_stroke_width),              (int) (dirtyrect.bottom + half_stroke_width));           lasttouchx = eventx;          lasttouchy = eventy;           return true;     }      private void debug(string string)      {     }      private void expanddirtyrect(float historicalx, float historicaly)      {          if (historicalx < dirtyrect.left)           {            dirtyrect.left = historicalx;          }           else if (historicalx > dirtyrect.right)           {            dirtyrect.right = historicalx;          }           if (historicaly <           {   = historicaly;          }           else if (historicaly > dirtyrect.bottom)           {            dirtyrect.bottom = historicaly;          }     }      private void resetdirtyrect(float eventx, float eventy)      {          dirtyrect.left = math.min(lasttouchx, eventx);          dirtyrect.right = math.max(lasttouchx, eventx); = math.min(lasttouchy, eventy);          dirtyrect.bottom = math.max(lasttouchy, eventy);     } }//signature } 

retrieve byte array database , can decode method:

  private static bitmap deserialize(byte[] data) throws ioexception,         classnotfoundexception {     bytearrayinputstream in = new bytearrayinputstream(data);     objectinputstream = new objectinputstream(in);     return (bitmap) is.readobject(); } 


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