mysqldump - How to Create Master script file to run mysql scripts -

i want create db structure application in mysql, have 100 scripts create tables , sp, functions in different schemas.

please suggest how can run script 1 after other , how can stop if previous script failed. using mysql 5.6 version.

i currrently runnning them using text file.

mysql> source /mypath/createdb.sql

which contains

tee /logout/session.txt
source /mypath/00-createschema.sql
source /mypath/01-createtable1.sql
source /mypath/01-createtable2.sql
source /mypath/01-createtable3.sql

but running simultaniously , have foreign key in below tables due giving error.

the scripts not running simultaneously. mysql client not execute in multi-threaded manner.

but it's possible sourcing scripts in order causes foreign keys reference tables haven't defined yet, , problem.

you have 2 possible fixes problem:

  • create tables in order avoid problem.

  • create tables without foreign keys, run script contains alter table add foreign key... statements.


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