How to use Sqoop libjars option? -

i using sqoop import tool importing data hbase table. , have created custom puttransformer class , have suplied jar , property use custom transformer, not considering custom transformer class.

can 1 me on this.

sqoop command:

sqoop import -libjars /home/ghk/hbase/poc/customsqoop.jar -d sqoop.hbase.insert.put.transformer.class=com.sqoop.transformer.customputtransformer --connect 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@//xx.xy.xa.xz:1521/a701' --table xyz.temp_hbase_type2 --columns 'tid, hbase_type, description, is_deleted, created' --hbase-create-table --hbase-table 'temp_hbase_type2' --column-family clmn --hbase-row-key 'tid' --fetch-size '10000' --class-name 'hbasetype' --split-by 'tid' --username xxx--password xxxyy --compress --compression-codec --num-mappers 3 --outdir /home/ghk/hbase/poc/sqoopclasses

regards, ghk.


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