c# - Mono can't load ServiceStack.Interfaces.dll -

using mono on os x (mdk 3.2.3) , nuget installed according monomvc's instructions, i've tried follow the "your first webservice" tutorial in servicestack's documentation. tutorial assumes iis , visual studio, neither of exist in environment, , after several hours of searching solutions on internet i've done following steps don't mention:

  • wrap web.config example in <configuration> tag.
  • put source code hello classes in folder called app_code
  • copied of .dll files nuget downloaded folder called bin with

    find . -iname '*.dll' -exec cp {} bin \;

  • use xsp4 root folder of project host development server.
  • copy system.core.dll lib/mono/4.5 project's bin folder.

when try visit localhost:8080, error message:

cs1684: reference type servicestack.servicehost.iresolver claims defined assembly servicestack.interfaces, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=null, not found

how resolve error?

edit: removed references missing method .ctor errors, they're unrelated compilationexception above. go away if copy system.core.dll lib/mono/4.5 bin folder, compilationexception remains.

i had similar error while building servicestack project on linux. project didn't reference assembly directly (i believe) referenced assembly had referenced.

i added reference assembly directly main project , error went away.

my repo here: https://github.com/marfarma/servicestack.hello -- builds , runs on ubuntu - in case want try instead of tutorial you've been following.


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