iphone - ios7 UINavigationBar backgroundImage is set upside down -

i trying set uinavigationbar background image:

i added in appdelegate: (please note it's 1 image)

[[uiapplication sharedapplication] setstatusbarstyle:uistatusbarstylelightcontent]; [[uinavigationbar appearance] setbackgroundimage:[uiimage imagenamed:@"general-top_bar_with_status.png"] forbarmetrics:uibarmetricsdefault]; 

since don't need translucent, in viewcontroller in viewdidload added:

self.navigationcontroller.navigationbar.translucent = no; 

this image: enter image description here

unfortunately get: enter image description here

as can see, image upsite down.

what wrong?

in storyboard, set place topbar - opaque navigation bar

for ios 7 have use 320x64 size navigation bar image


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