How to remove the first element from a container class in a C++ program? -

everytime run method called loan &removefirst () {} program keeps on crashing. program crashes whenever attempt delete temporary loan structure created. can show background container class , code function:

class listofloans {  public:      //default constructor allocate appropriate heap storage      //store elements on heap array declared this:      //new loan*[initial_size];     listofloans(int initial_size = 4) {         elements = new loan*[initial_size];         numberofelements = 0;         capacity = initial_size;         index = 0;     }      ~listofloans(void) {         cout << "deleting \n";         delete [] elements;     }       // answer first element list don't remove     loan & first() const {         if (capacity == 0) {             cout << "attempted on empty list. exitting!" << endl;             exit;         } else {             return *elements[0];         }     }      // answer first element list , remove list     // if resulting list more 3 quarters empty release memory loan & removefirst() {     index--;      if (capacity == 0) {            cout << "attempted on empty list. exitting!" << endl;            exit;     }      if(size() < capacity/4) {  //shrink container when 1/4 full        cout << "shrinking\n";        loan **temp = elements;        elements = new loan*[capacity/2];        for(index = (numberofelements - 1); index >= 0; index--) {elements[index] = temp[index];}       capacity /= 2;        delete [] temp; // program crashes @ line, want delete temp structure     }        return first();     }   private:       loan ** elements;      int     numberofelements; //number of elements in list      int     capacity; //size of available array memory      mutable int index; //used iteration  }; 

when deleting array of pointers (pointer pointer) typically following:

for(int = 0; < capacity; ++i) {     delete temp[i]; } delete [] temp; 

without loop, leak memory in internal pointer.

does size() return numberofelements? concern have here loop copies on data temp elements , may starting outside of range of temp. if case, overwriting memory may source of crash. why not loop 0 size()? if want remove first element, copy following:

elements[index] = temp[index+1]; 

finally, if removing first element in list, first() internally? i'm seeing above, appears have removed first element, or had intended to. if removed, may deleted time returning it, need copy pointer locally , have loop delete elements skip first 1 have still valid return!


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