formatting number in 2010 -

im using code formatting textbox.

public function textformat(byval sstring string) string         dim num1 decimal         try             num1 = convert.todecimal(sstring)             textformat = formatnumber(num1, 2)             return textformat         catch             textformat = sstring         end try     end function 

-the problem rounding off number input .. sample

textbox.text = "5999.99" displaying "6000.00" how can disable auto rounding off number . or there other code formatting text? "###,###,###.##" << should this


use tostring instead formatnumber.

public function textformat(byval sstring string) string     dim num1 decimal     if double.tryparse(sstring, num1)         return num1.tostring("g") ' or tostring("f2") or tostring("0.00")      else         return sstring     end if end function 


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