c# - WCF - when should i use netTcpBinding -

i use http binding @ services.
read net.tcp binding works faster, not quite sure on when should use it?
best practice, there drawbacks?


the msdn page nettcpbinding says best

the default configuration nettcpbinding faster configuration provided wshttpbinding, intended wcf-to-wcf communication.

so nettcpbinding use when have .net wcf client , .net wcf server, if need support clients not written in .net wcf (for example publishing public service , don't know language client written in) need use httpbinding instead.

this page has quick summary of each type of binding , when should used.

  • basichttpbinding - binding suitable communicating ws-basic profile conformant web services, example, asp.net web services (asmx)-based services. binding uses http transport , text/xml default message encoding.
  • wshttpbinding - secure , interoperable binding suitable non-duplex service contracts.
  • ws2007httpbinding - secure , interoperable binding provides support correct versions of security, reliablesession, , transactionflow binding elements.
  • wsdualhttpbinding - secure , interoperable binding suitable duplex service contracts or communication through soap intermediaries.
  • wsfederationhttpbinding - secure , interoperable binding supports ws-federation protocol, enabling organizations in federation efficiently authenticate , authorize users.
  • ws2007federationhttpbinding - secure , interoperable binding derives ws2007httpbinding , supports federated security.
  • nettcpbinding - secure , optimized binding suitable cross-machine communication between wcf applications.
  • netnamedpipebinding - secure, reliable, optimized binding suitable on-machine communication between wcf applications.
  • netmsmqbinding - queued binding suitable cross-machine communication between wcf applications.
  • netpeertcpbinding - binding enables secure, multi-machine communication.
  • webhttpbinding - binding used configure endpoints wcf web services exposed through http requests instead of soap messages.
  • msmqintegrationbinding - binding suitable cross-machine communication between wcf application , existing message queuing (also known msmq) applications.


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