Set Google Drive Push Notification to Never Expire -

i have read google drive api push notifications, , appears there way set channel never expire, yet there no documentation can find on how so. have tried setting ttl parameter 0 , null, , both times api returns expiration time of 3600 seconds time of call (default). see excerpt document alludes being able set channel never expire:

renewing notification channels

a notification channel can have expiration time, value determined either request or drive api internal limits or defaults (the more restrictive value used). the channel's expiration time, if has one, included in information returned watch method. in addition, expiration time included in every notification message application receives channel in x-goog-channel-expiration http header.

currently there no automatic way renew notification channel. when channel close expiration, must create new 1 calling watch method. always, must use unique value id property of new channel. note there "overlap" period of time when 2 notification channels same resource active.

the documents there 1 day maximum expiration time files , 1 week changes channels, if expiration defined, no? if there way set no expiration, aka infinite channel duration, these shouldn't apply.

anyone knows how set never expire (or if in case there no way to) please let me know!

there no way set forever due security concerns, that's upper limit 1 day.


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