testing - JMeter HTTP Response Code 200 -

i newbie on using jmeter. have error display on view result tree listener when try make test plan create registration. can tell me mean of error? have read forum solved http response 200 add "cookie manager" element on "thread group" (reference : http://jmeter.512774.n5.nabble.com/getting-http-response-200-instead-of-500-td518231.html ). on test plan, cookie manager added. please let me know if there advice this?

the sampler result display below:

thread name: registration 1-1 sample start: 2013-10-07 11:18:26 sgt load time: 643 latency: 633 size in bytes: 29706 headers size in bytes: 155 body size in bytes: 29551 sample count: 1 error count: 1 response code: 200 response message: ok  response headers: http/1.1 200 ok server: apache-coyote/1.1 content-type: text/html;charset=iso-8859-1 transfer-encoding: chunked date: mon, 07 oct 2013 03:18:27 gmt   httpsampleresult fields: contenttype: text/html;charset=iso-8859-1 dataencoding: iso-8859-1 

usually, when top level sample returns 200 ok , failed status, means failed embedded resource sample or failed assertion. have embedded resource showing in listener?


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