java - Streamtokenizer to read very large numbers? -

i have take input containing large numbers of order 10^9 in java. how handle inputs fast? since streamtokenizer.nval gives double, how can read larger values??

before parsing, reset tokenizer syntax table , initialize recognize numbers words:

streamtokenizer tokenizer = new streamtokenizer(r); tokenizer.resetsyntax();  tokenizer.whitespacechars(0, 32);  tokenizer.wordchars('0', '9'); tokenizer.wordchars('-', '.'); tokenizer.wordchars('+', '+'); tokenizer.wordchars('a', 'z'); tokenizer.wordchars('a', 'z'); tokenizer.wordchars(0xa0, 0xff); // not needed here. */ tokenizer.slashslashcomments(true); tokenizer.slashstarcomments(true);  tokenizer.quotechar('"'); tokenizer.quotechar('\''); 

then, when encountering word, check whether parseable number (a bit crude here, shows general idea):

... case streamtokenizer.tt_word:   if ("true".equals(tokenizer.sval)) {     result = boolean.true;   } else if ("false".equals(tokenizer.sval)) {     result = boolean.false;   } else if ("null".equals(tokenizer.sval)) {     result = null;   } else {     try {       result = long.parselong(tokenizer.sval);     } catch(numberformatexception e) {       try {         result = double.parsedouble(tokenizer.sval);       } catch (numberformatexception e2) {         throw new illegalstateexception(            "unexpected token: " + tokenizer.tostring());       }    }  }  tokenizer.nexttoken();  break; 

whether works depends on use case: if want parse expressions (and not json in case), don't want set + or - word characters, general idea should still work treating them unary operators , detecting constants @ later stage.


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