windows phone 8 - wp8 isloated storage or sqlite -

i've created windows phone 8 app, giving result of calculations @ runtime, need store result future use/access,

what do?

i have totally no idea of storage in wp8, although i've seen many tutorials isolated storage & sqlite, did'nt understood whats going on in them......

any suggestion? how store data..? easy steps follow

this code, showing result on page @ runtime,

 protected override void onnavigatedto(navigationeventargs e)     {         date.text = time.toshortdatestring();         (int = 0; < navigationcontext.querystring.count; i++)         {             keyvaluepair<string, string> kv = navigationcontext.querystring.elementat(i);              stackpanel panel = new stackpanel();             textblock block1 = new textblock();             textblock block2 = new textblock();             block1.text = kv.key;             block2.text = kv.value;             block1.width = 100;             block2.width = 100;             panel.orientation =;             panel.height = 50;             panel.children.add(block1);             panel.children.add(block2);             contentpanel.children.add(panel);            }       } 

you can use both if want see database structure or instant insert , update or delete sqlite best way...

go thorough bellow link here example of local daabase in windows phone 8 sqlite.

windows phone 7 native database programming via sqlite client windows phone

sqlite-winrt: database programming on windows phone , windows 8

how use sqlite in windows phone



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