loops - Making a server ping pong tool in batch -

i've made there unexpected error in loop.

please help.

@echo off color 1f title (ash's script) server ping pong  rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  echo started %time% %date% > x:\scripts\serverping.txt  rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  /f "tokens=*" %%i in (x:\scripts\computerlists\serverlist.csv) (     ping %%i -n 1 -w 3     if errorlevel 0 (         echo %%i online %time%>> x:\scripts\serverping.txt      ) else (          echo %%i offline %time%>> x:\scripts\serverping.txt     ) )  rem --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

if errorlevel 0 true.

use instead:

if not errorlevel 1 

also change redirection on echo files:

>>x:\scripts\serverping.txt echo %%i online %time% 

this eliminates problem when last character number (of stream)

another issue %time% evaluated when loop starts - dynamic time in log enable delayed expansion , use !time! instead of %time%


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