php - Purging & Removing Part of URL -

i creating vine video sharing website.

i having issues. og:image:secure_url won't pick right because url getting displayed this.. 

so facebook giving me error when bebugging..

   object @ url '' of type 'article' invalid because given value '' property 'og:image:secure_url' not parsed type 'url'. 

how it's setup in backend..

the og:image:secure_url setup, note script uses smarty code.

<meta property="og:image:secure_url" content="{php} echo vine_pic($this->_tpl_vars['p']['youtube_key']);{/php}" /> 

and script grabs og:image twitter..

function vine_pic( $id ) {  $vine = file_get_contents("{$id}");                                         preg_match('/property="og:image" content="(.*?)"/', $vine, $matches);  return ($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : false;  } 

what need with

is removing end part of url ?versionid=jq9yuwcebry1sgzpzu40z3wc_vf_pmb1

i looked other stackoverflow questions don't quite understand how should setup in syntax. me? appreciated.

use parse_url , http_build_query tear url apart , put without versionid

i've never used smarty tags, i'm not sure part. in php i'd this: (untested)

$pic_link=vine_pic($this->_tpl_vars['p']['youtube_key']); $parsed=parse_url($pic_link); $pic_vars=parse_str($parsed['query']); unset($pic_vars['$parsed']); $new_query=http_build_query($pic_vars); $new_pic_link=$parsed['scheme'].$parsed['host'].$parsed['path']'?'.$new_query; //if above missing slash, change dot .'/'. ?> <meta property="og:image:secure_url" content="<?php echo $new_pic_link; ?>"> 


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