ios - Flickr & Vimeo integration in iOS7 using ACAccount -

in ios7 flickr & vimeo integrated device in addition fb , twitter. wanted use acaccount api's the integration facebook & twitter in ios6.

for facebook integration can use api like:

 acaccounttype* accounttype = [accountstore accounttypewithaccounttypeidentifier:                               acaccounttypeidentifiertwitter]; 

similarly wanted flickr, there no new identifiers added in acaccounttype.h file.

now wondering how can integration flickr? ideas?

as per user perspective there integration of flicker & vimeo in ios 7 same facebook , twitter. in perspective ios developer there no change of flickr , vimeo integration in ios 7.

why ? native implementation of social networks (facebook,twitter), there 2 main frameworks 1.accounts 2. social framework. when made demo app , included both mentioned frameworks.then go it's header files. what these files said ?

in socialservicetype.h social framework :-

 social_extern nsstring *const slservicetypetwitter ns_available(10_8, 6_0);  social_extern nsstring *const slservicetypefacebook ns_available(10_8, 6_0);  social_extern nsstring *const slservicetypesinaweibo ns_available(10_8, 6_0);  social_extern nsstring *const slservicetypetencentweibo ns_available(10_9, 7_0);  social_extern nsstring *const slservicetypelinkedin ns_available(10_9, na); 

above code defines there no flickr , vimeo highest version support in ios 7.

hope helps !!!


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